As I begin this new venture into the world of blogging I thought I
would start out with “blog hopping” to get my inspiration juices
flowing. I follow many, many blogs several of which do blog link-ups
throughout the week. Until the ideas just start flowing freely from day
to day this might be the best way to introduce myself and get involved.
Today I found “Share the Joy Thursday” at
What brings me joy? Today, what is bringing me joy is very different
than even 1 week ago. I have been having a very difficult time being
content and feeling secure in my roles as wife and mother, but I have
been pouring over sites with a Proverbs 31 theme and have been finding
so much strength and encouragement! There are the tangible things, like
books and printables and calendars that have been a blessing but I have
also read many stories of mothers and wives who have felt inadequate at
times but have triumphed in their domestic roles. It seems to be a
matter of finding your routine, sticking to it, rewarding yourself and
avoiding comparison. I’m sure it will continue to be a struggle to stay
motivated but I feel like I have the tools and the desire to keep my
priorities where they need to be. Being a wife and a mother brings me
more joy than any other facet of my life. Even during those moments of
doubt, it is still a joy to kiss my husband when he comes home every
day and to talk to my daughter about the trials and tribulations of
being a teenage girl. I truly would not want any other existence!
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